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dc.titleBook Purchase Details 2005-2023en_US
Appears in Collections:Book Purchase Details 2005-2023

Files in This Item:
File Description SizeFormat 
2005-2006 checked.xls29.5 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2006-2007 checked.xls30.5 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2007-2008 checked.xls29.5 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2008-2009 checked.xls29.5 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2009-2010 checked.xls23 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2010-2011 checked.xls25 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2011-2012 checked.xls24 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2012-2013 checked.xls25 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2013-2014 checked.xls36.5 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2014-2015 checked.xls22.5 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2015-2016 checked.xls30 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2016-2017- new (1).xls33 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2017-2018- book prchase.xls36 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2018-2019- book purchase.xls29.5 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2019-2020- book prchase.xls30 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2020-2021- book prchase.xls28 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2021-2022- book prchase -.xls28.5 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open
2022-2023- book prchase.xls30 kBMicrosoft ExcelView/Open

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